All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract Form is the default implementation of SimpleForm.
Abstract Simple Main Form is an abstract implementation of SimpleMainForm extending JFrame to provide a way for a program to have a single-tabbed main form
Abstract Tabbed Form is a simple implementation of TabbedForm, extending JTabbedPane to create a simple tabbed form for users to input data and interact with.
Abstract Tabbed Main Form is an abstract implementation of TabbedMainForm extending JFrame to provide a way for a program to have a multiple tab main form
Boolean Form Field is a FormField used to show a boolean value.
Builder to be used to create a BooleanFormField.
Button Form Field is a FormField that is just a button
Builder to be used to create a ButtonFormField.
Close Operation represents what to do on closure of a frame/window.
ColorPaintUIResource is a PaintUIResource to be used in Tadukoo Look & Feel (or other custom Look & Feels if desired) for custom paints if you want a solid color.
Date Form is a Form used to store a Date.
A Date Form Field is a FormField used to store Dates.
Builder to be used to create a DateFormField.
A Double Form Field is a FormField used to store doubles.
Builder to be used to create an DoubleFormField.
This class provides utility methods for drawing things to the screen.
Drop Down Form Field is a FormField used for drop-down menus.
Builder to be used to create a DropDownFormField.
Field Type is used in FormField for what type of field it is.
File Downloader is used to give a File Download option dialog to the user for them to be able to download files and watch the progress of the download(s).
A Float Form Field is a FormField used to store floats.
Builder to be used to create an FloatFormField.
Contains constants for common strings found in font file names
Contains an enumeration of FontFamilies supported via use of the Tadukoo Fonts project.
Represents a single font family.
Font Resource Loader is used to load Font Families.
Form represents a form used in a program that the user can fill out and interact with.
Form Fields are fields used on Forms.
Builder to be used to create a FormField.
Form Form Field is a FormField used to have a Form inside of a form.
Builder to be used to create a FormFormField.
Gradient is used to make it easier to create generic Gradient paints, as a SizablePaint.
Gradient Builder is an abstract builder for a Gradient to be extended by subclasses for making more specific Gradients, e.g.
GradientUIResource is simply a LinearGradient wrapped as a PaintUIResource so that it can be used in Tadukoo Look & Feel (or other custom Look & Feels if desired).
Interface to be used on Components for them to contain a SizablePaint for disabled foreground.
Interface to be used on Components for them to contain a SizablePaint for disabled text.
Interface to be used on Components for them to contain SizablePaints for select and focus.
Interface to be used on Components for them to contain SizablePaint versions of the foreground and background colors, to be used instead of the simple colors.
This class contains utility methods for dealing with images.
This class provides utility methods for dealing with Insets
An Int Form Field is a FormField used to store Integers.
Builder to be used to create an IntFormField.
Label Type is used in FormField for what type of label to use with the field.
Linear Gradient is used to build a Gradient object to use for LinearGradientPaint.
The direction for a LinearGradient to go.
Linear Gradient Builder is a builder for LinearGradient.
A Long Form Field is a FormField used to store longs.
Builder to be used to create an LongFormField.
Main Form represents the main Form in a program for a user to interact with.
No Border is an implementation of AbstractBorder that works as no Border.
No Border UI Resource is a version of NoBorder that extends BorderUIResource, so that it can be used in Look & Feels in cases where you don't want a border, but can't use null
No Paint is to be used when you don't actually want a Paint object, but need to specify a non-null value.
No Paint UIResource is a PaintUIResource version of NoPaint - where it's used when you need a non-null PaintUIResource but don't want an actual paint.
Abstract FormField used for Numbers using JSpinner.
Builder to be used to create a NumberFormField.
Represents the way to orient an object in relation to given coordinates.
Enum used for how to align horizontally
Enum used for how to align vertically
PaintUIResource is a UIResource to be used for Paints for in Tadukoo Look & Feel (or other custom Look & Feels as desired).
Linear Gradient is used to build a Gradient object to use for RadialGradientPaint.
Radial Gradient Builder is a builder for RadialGradient.
Shaped provides methods for getting and setting ShapeInfo, to be used on custom components to allow them to use custom shapes.
Shaped Etched Border mimics the functionality of a BevelBorder, but uses the ShapeInfo (if present) on the component to draw the border, rather than making a rectangular border, or it can have its own ShapeInfo if desired.
An enum representing the Bevel type to be used (RAISED or LOWERED) for a border
Shaped Bevel Border Builder is used to create a ShapedBevelBorder.
Shaped Etched Border mimics the functionality of a EtchedBorder, but uses the ShapeInfo (if present) on the component to draw the border, rather than making a rectangular border, or it can have its own ShapeInfo if desired.
An enum representing the Etch type to be used (RAISED or LOWERED) for a border
Shaped Etched Border Builder is used to create a ShapedEtchedBorder.
Shaped Line Border mimics the functionality of a LineBorder, but uses the ShapeInfo (if present) on the component to draw the border, rather than making a rectangular border, or it can have its own ShapeInfo if desired.
Shaped Line Border Builder is used to create a ShapedLineBorder.
Shape Drawing Function is generally used to draw a shape or part of one using the given Graphics and the given x, y, width, and height, to support drawing generally sized shapes.
It's a ThrowingFunction4 that throws NoException (just a way to avoid throwing stuff), takes in 4 integers (which should be x, y, width, and height), and returns a Shape.
Shape Info contains a method for calculating the Shape and one for calculating the Insets for that Shape.
A wrapper around ShapeInfo to turn it into a UIResource for use in the Look & Feel.
It's a ThrowingFunction4 that throws NoException (just a way to avoid throwing stuff), takes in 4 integers (which should be x, y, width, and height), and returns an Insets.
A collection of ShapeInfos that can be used
A Short Form Field is a FormField used to store shorts.
Builder to be used to create an ShortFormField.
Custom Cell Renderer used to just have a component draw itself (for use with custom components).
Simple Form represents a form used in a program that the user can fill out and interact with.
Simple Main Form represents a MainForm that extends SimpleForm, being just a single tab
Sizable Color is an extension of Color that implements SizablePaint.
Sizable Paints are used to create generic Paints that can vary according to the given dimensions they're meant to be painted on.
String Form Field is a FormField that uses a String.
String Field Type is used to determine type of String field
Builder to be used to create a StringFormField.
Tabbed Form represents a Form composed of multiple tabs (each tab being its own Form) for the user to be able to interact with.
Tabbed Main Form represents a MainForm that extends TabbedForm, being composed of multiple tabs
Tab Label Type is used to tell what type of label should be used for a tab.
Tab Layout Policy represents what to do when there are too many tabs to fit in the given space on a Tabbed Form
Table Form Field is a FormField used to show a List of OrderedMappedPojos in a form
Builder to be used to create a TableFormField.
Tab Placement is used to determine where tabs should be placed in a Tabbed Form.
Tadukoo Button is an extension of JButton that allows for specifying more parameters that can be used in Tadukoo Look & Feel, such as ShapeInfo.
Builder to be used to create a TadukooButton.
A ComponentUI class for use with Buttons, used by TadukooLookAndFeel to provide customizations for the Buttons beyond those present in existing Look & Feels.
Tadukoo Label is an extension of JLabel that allows for specifying more parameters that can be used in Tadukoo Look & Feel, such as ShapeInfo.
Builder to be used to create a TadukooLabel.
A ComponentUI class for use with Labels, used by TadukooLookAndFeel to provide customizations for the Labels beyond those present in existing Look & Feels.
Tadukoo Look & Feel is a Look & Feel currently extending MetalLookAndFeel that allows for easier customization of the Look & Feel.
Tadukoo Table is an extension of JScrollPane that contains a JTable.
Builder to be used to create a TadukooTable.
Theme class for TadukooLookAndFeel.
Builder for TadukooTheme.
Tadukoo Theme Factory provides some standard TadukooThemes and TadukooThemeBuilders, along with some util methods for making your own TadukooTheme.
This is a generic interface to be used in Buttons.
Generic Interface to be used by Tadukoo Components.
This interface provides utilities for TComponents - this interface is to be implemented in Component UI classes for them to utilize the methods present to help in accessing customizations from the TadukooTheme and/or the components themselves and installing and uninstalling said customizations.
An enum used for Title Position (for Titled Borders)
This is a generic interface to be used in Labels.