Interface SizablePaint

All Known Subinterfaces:
Gradient, PaintUIResource
All Known Implementing Classes:
ColorPaintUIResource, GradientUIResource, LinearGradient, NoPaint, NoPaintUIResource, RadialGradient, SizableColor

public interface SizablePaint
Sizable Paints are used to create generic Paints that can vary according to the given dimensions they're meant to be painted on.
Alpha v.0.2.1
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Creates a Paint to be used based on the size of the object to be painted.
  • Method Details

    • getPaint

      Paint getPaint(Dimension size)
      Creates a Paint to be used based on the size of the object to be painted. The size is given because of some cases where it matters, e.g. the case of Gradients, where it determines where the points are placed.
      size - The Dimensions of the object to be painted
      A Paint