Class TadukooButton.TadukooButtonBuilder

Enclosing class:

public static class TadukooButton.TadukooButtonBuilder extends Object
Builder to be used to create a TadukooButton. It has the following parameters:
TadukooButton Parameters
Name Description Default Value or Required
text The text to use on the Button Defaults to null
icon The icon to use on the Button Defaults to null
actionListener The action to perform on click of the Button Defaults to null
foregroundPaint The SizablePaint to use for the foreground of the Button Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button foreground paint)
backgroundPaint The SizablePaint to use for the background of the Button Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button background paint)
selectPaint The SizablePaint to use for when the Button is selected Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button select paint)
focusPaint The SizablePaint to use for when the Button is focused Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button focus paint)
disabledTextPaint The SizablePaint to use for disabled text on the Button Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button disabled text paint)
font The Font to use on the Button (specified via FontFamily, font style, and font size Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button font)
shapeInfo The ShapeInfo to use on the Button Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button shape, if supported)
border The Border to use on the Button Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Button border)
There are also parameters for loading the font using a FontResourceLoader, which can be ignored if you don't specify a Font for this button:
Font Resource Loader Parameters
Field Description Default Value
logFontResourceLoaderWarnings Whether to log warnings generated by the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader false
logger An EasyLogger that will be sent to the FontResourceLoader by default - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader null (since logging warnings is set to false by default)
graphEnv The GraphicsEnvironment to load a font to in the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
fontFolder The path to the fonts folder to find font files in if needed in the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader "fonts/"
fontResourceLoader The FontResourceLoader to use in loading a font and/or ensuring they're in the system a new FontResourceLoader with the specified values for logFontResourceLoaderWarnings, logger, graphEnv, and fontFolder
Alpha v.0.2
Alpha v.0.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)
  • Field Details

    • text

      private String text
      The text to use on the Button
    • icon

      private Icon icon
      The icon to use on the Button
    • actionListener

      private ActionListener actionListener
      The action to perform on click of the Button
    • foregroundPaint

      private SizablePaint foregroundPaint
      The SizablePaint to use for the foreground of the Button
    • backgroundPaint

      private SizablePaint backgroundPaint
      The SizablePaint to use for the background of the Button
    • selectPaint

      private SizablePaint selectPaint
      The SizablePaint to use for when the Button is selected
    • focusPaint

      private SizablePaint focusPaint
      The SizablePaint to use for when the Button is focused
    • disabledTextPaint

      private SizablePaint disabledTextPaint
      The SizablePaint to use for disabled text on the Button
    • fontFamily

      private FontFamily fontFamily
      The FontFamily to use on the font of the Button
    • fontStyle

      private int fontStyle
      The font style to use on the font of the Button
    • fontSize

      private int fontSize
      The font size to use on the font of the Button
    • shapeInfo

      private ShapeInfo shapeInfo
      The ShapeInfo to use on the Button
    • border

      private Border border
      The Border to use on the Button
    • logFontResourceLoaderWarnings

      private boolean logFontResourceLoaderWarnings
      Whether to log warnings generated by the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader
    • logger

      private com.github.tadukoo.util.logger.EasyLogger logger
      An EasyLogger that will be sent to the FontResourceLoader by default - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader
    • graphEnv

      private GraphicsEnvironment graphEnv
      The GraphicsEnvironment to load a font to in the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader
    • fontFolder

      private String fontFolder
      The path to the fonts folder to find font files in if needed in the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader
    • fontResourceLoader

      private FontResourceLoader fontResourceLoader
      The FontResourceLoader to use in loading a font and/or ensuring they're in the system
  • Constructor Details

    • TadukooButtonBuilder

      private TadukooButtonBuilder()
      Can't create outside of Tadukoo Button
  • Method Details