Interface Form

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
MainForm, SimpleForm, SimpleMainForm, TabbedForm, TabbedMainForm
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSimpleForm, AbstractSimpleMainForm, AbstractTabbedForm, AbstractTabbedMainForm, DateForm

public interface Form extends com.github.tadukoo.util.pojo.MappedPojo
Form represents a form used in a program that the user can fill out and interact with. This could be a simple form with a bunch of fields, or it could be a tabbed form.
Alpha v.0.3.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method can be called by subclasses to update the values present in the form from the Component values

    Methods inherited from interface com.github.tadukoo.util.pojo.MappedPojo

    clear, getItem, getKeys, getListItem, getListItemNoThrow, getListItemNoThrow, getMap, getPojoItem, getPojoItemNoThrow, getPojoItemNoThrow, hasItem, hasKey, isEmpty, removeItem, setItem
  • Method Details

    • asComponent

      Component asComponent()
      This Form as a Component
    • saveValues

      void saveValues()
      This method can be called by subclasses to update the values present in the form from the Component values