Class DropDownFormField.DropDownFormFieldBuilder

Enclosing class:

public static class DropDownFormField.DropDownFormFieldBuilder extends FormField.FormFieldBuilder<String>
Builder to be used to create a DropDownFormField. It has the following parameters:
DropDownFormField Parameters
Name Description Default Value or Required
key The name of the field (used as a key in Forms) Required
defaultValue The starting value of the field Defaults to null - which converts to false for this field
labelType The LabelType to use for the field Defaults to LabelType.LABEL
labelForegroundPaint The SizablePaint for the foreground of the Label Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Label foreground paint)
labelBackgroundPaint The SizablePaint for the background of the Label Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Label background paint)
labelFont The Font to use for the Label - specified as a FontFamily, style, and size Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Label font)
labelShape The ShapeInfo to use for the Label Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Label shape)
labelBorder The Border to use for the Label Defaults to null (to use the Look & Feel's default Label border)
rowPos The row position of the field Required
colPos The column position of the field Required
rowSpan The row span of the field Defaults to 1
colSpan The column span of the field Defaults to 1
editable Whether the field can be edited or not Defaults to true
options The options to include in the drop-down list Defaults to an empty array
This builder also provides methods and parameters for font resource loading:
Font Resource Loading Parameters
Field Description Default Value
logFontResourceLoaderWarnings Whether to log warnings generated by the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader false
logger An EasyLogger that will be sent to the FontResourceLoader by default - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader null (since logging warnings is set to false by default)
graphEnv The GraphicsEnvironment to load fonts to in the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
fontFolder The path to the fonts folder to find font files in if needed in the FontResourceLoader - can be ignored if you specify your own FontResourceLoader "fonts/"
fontResourceLoader The FontResourceLoader to use in loading fonts and/or ensuring they're in the system a new FontResourceLoader with the specified values for logFontResourceLoaderWarnings(boolean), logger(com.github.tadukoo.util.logger.EasyLogger), graphEnv(java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment), and fontFolder(java.lang.String)
Alpha v.0.2
Alpha v.0.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)