Interface HasSizablePaints

All Known Subinterfaces:
TButton, TComponent, TLabel
All Known Implementing Classes:
TadukooButton, TadukooLabel

public interface HasSizablePaints
Interface to be used on Components for them to contain SizablePaint versions of the foreground and background colors, to be used instead of the simple colors.
Alpha v.0.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)
  • Method Details

    • getForegroundPaint

      SizablePaint getForegroundPaint()
      The SizablePaint to be used for the foreground of this Component
    • setForegroundPaint

      void setForegroundPaint(SizablePaint foregroundPaint)
      Sets the foreground SizablePaint for this Component
      foregroundPaint - The SizablePaint to be used for the foreground of this Component
    • getBackgroundPaint

      SizablePaint getBackgroundPaint()
      The SizablePaint to be used for the background of this Component
    • setBackgroundPaint

      void setBackgroundPaint(SizablePaint backgroundPaint)
      Sets the background SizablePaint for this Component
      backgroundPaint - The SizablePaint to be used for the background of this Component