Interface MainForm

All Superinterfaces:
Form, com.github.tadukoo.util.pojo.MappedPojo
All Known Subinterfaces:
SimpleMainForm, TabbedMainForm
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSimpleMainForm, AbstractTabbedMainForm

public interface MainForm extends Form
Main Form represents the main Form in a program for a user to interact with. As such, it's expected that the Main Form will inherit from JFrame to provide everything needed.
Alpha v.0.3.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Configures frame settings for this Main Form.
    default Dimension
    default String
    default void
    Launches this Main Form (default is setting visible to true)

    Methods inherited from interface com.github.tadukoo.view.form.Form

    asComponent, saveValues

    Methods inherited from interface com.github.tadukoo.util.pojo.MappedPojo

    clear, getItem, getKeys, getListItem, getListItemNoThrow, getListItemNoThrow, getMap, getPojoItem, getPojoItemNoThrow, getPojoItemNoThrow, hasItem, hasKey, isEmpty, removeItem, setItem
  • Method Details

    • asFrame

      JFrame asFrame()
      This form as a JFrame
    • defaultCloseOperation

      default CloseOperation defaultCloseOperation()
      The default CloseOperation to use for this Main Form
    • iconPath

      default String iconPath()
      The filepath to the icon to use for this Main Form (can be null to not set an icon)
    • framePreferredSize

      default Dimension framePreferredSize()
      The Dimension for the preferred size of this Main Form (can be null to not set a preferred size)
    • configureFrameSettings

      default void configureFrameSettings()
      Configures frame settings for this Main Form. This method should be called by the constructor to at least set the defaultCloseOperation(), use the iconPath() and framePreferredSize() if they're not null, and add the inner component to the frame
    • launch

      default void launch()
      Launches this Main Form (default is setting visible to true)