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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


JSONArray<T> - Interface in com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json
JSON Array represents an array of objects in JSON.
JSONArrayList<T> - Class in com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json
JSON Array List is a simple implementation of JSONArray that extends ArrayList
JSONArrayList() - Constructor for class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONArrayList
Creates an array object that's empty.
JSONArrayList(List<T>) - Constructor for class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONArrayList
Creates an array object with the given items.
JSONClass - Interface in com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json
JSON Class represents a collection of named values in JSON.
JSONConverter - Class in com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json
A class able to parse JSON into JSON Objects (either a class or array), and to convert classes or objects into JSON strings.
JSONConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONConverter
JSONObject - Interface in com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json
Represents an object in JSON, whether it be an array, a class, or something else.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form