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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


checkForErrors() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FormatNode.FormatNodeBuilder
Checks the builder for any errors in the data.
checkForErrors() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.Node.NodeBuilder
Checks for errors in the current parameters
checkForErrors() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria.NodeVerificationCriteriaBuilder
Checks the currently set parameters for errors and throws an exception if there are any
checkNullChild() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria
checkNullNextSibling() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria
checkNullParent() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria
checkNullPrevSibling() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria
child - Variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.Node
The child Node to this one
child - Variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.Node.NodeBuilder
The child Node to this one
child - Variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria
The expected child for the Node
child - Variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria.NodeVerificationCriteriaBuilder
The expected child for the Node
child(Node) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.Node.NodeBuilder
child(Node) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.NodeVerificationCriteria.NodeVerificationCriteriaBuilder
Sets the expected child for the Node being checked
childName(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FormatNode.FormatNodeBuilder
Adds the given string to the list of allowed names for child Nodes.
childNames - Variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FormatNode
Names of allowed children of the Node
childNames - Variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FormatNode.FormatNodeBuilder
Names of allowed child Nodes
childNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FormatNode.FormatNodeBuilder
Sets the allowed names for child Nodes.
childNamesCheck() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FormatNode.FormatNodeBuilder
Initializes the childNames list to an empty ArrayList if it's null
classEndChar - Static variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONConverter
Character at the end of a class - closing brace - }
classStartChar - Static variable in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONConverter
Character at the start of a class - opening brace - {
com.github.tadukoo.parsing - package com.github.tadukoo.parsing
Contains utilities for parsing various formats
com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat - package com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat
Provides classes for making your own custom File Format, similar to YAML syntax
com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json - package com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json
Provides interfaces and simple implementations of handling JSON using MappedPojos, along with a JSONConverter class.
CommonPatterns - Interface in com.github.tadukoo.parsing
Common Patterns is an interface containing common Patterns for use in parsing
convertRegexToTadFormat(EasyLogger, String) - Static method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.TadFormatRegexConverter
Convert the given Java regex into TadFormatting.
convertTadFormatToRegex(EasyLogger, String) - Static method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.TadFormatRegexConverter
Convert the given TadFormatting into a Java regex.
convertText() - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FormatNode.FormatNodeBuilder
Converts the text string into Nodes to be parsed into a FormatNode
convertToJSON(JSONConverter) - Method in interface com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONArray
Converts this JSON object into an actual JSON string
convertToJSON(JSONConverter) - Method in interface com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONClass
Converts this JSON object into an actual JSON string
convertToJSON(JSONConverter) - Method in interface com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONObject
Converts this JSON object into an actual JSON string
convertToJSON(JSONConverter) - Method in interface com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.OrderedJSONClass
Converts this JSON object into an actual JSON string
convertToJSON(Object) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.json.JSONConverter
Converts the given object into the proper form for use in JSON.
If it's a JSONObject, then we just call JSONObject.convertToJSON(JSONConverter) on it.
createHeader(FileFormat, FileFormatSchema) - Static method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.TadFormatNodeHeader
Creates a Tad Format Header for the given FileFormat and FileFormatSchema.
createSchemas(EasyLogger) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.parsing.fileformat.FileFormat
Creates the FileFormatSchemas for this FileFormat, mapping them by their respective version strings.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form