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- setAssets(JSONArray<GitHubReleaseAsset>) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the
s of the Release - setAssetsUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the Assets URL for the Release
- setAuthor(GitHubUser) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the author of the Release
- setAvatarUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Avatar URL of the User
- setBody(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the body of the Release
- setBrowserDownloadUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the Browser Download URL of the Release Asset
- setContentType(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the content type of the Release Asset
- setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets when the Release was created
- setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets when the Release Asset was created
- setDownloadCount(Double) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the download count of the Release Asset
- setDraft(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets whether the Release is a draft or not
- setEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Events URL of the User
- setFollowersUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Followers URL of the User
- setFollowingUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Following URL of the User
- setGistsUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Gists URL of the User
- setGravatarId(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Gravatar ID of the User
- setHtmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the HTML URL for the Release
- setHtmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the HTML URL of the User
- setId(Double) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the ID of the Release
- setId(Double) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the ID of the Release Asset
- setId(Double) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the ID of the User
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the label of the Release Asset
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the login of the User
- setName(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the name of the Release
- setName(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the name of the Release Asset
- setNodeId(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the Node ID of the Release
- setNodeId(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the Node ID of the Release Asset
- setNodeId(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Node ID of the User
- setOrganizationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Organizations URL of the User
- setPrerelease(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets whether the Release is a prerelease or not
- setPublishedAt(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets when the Release was published
- setReceivedEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Received Events URL of the User
- setReposUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Repos URL of the User
- setSiteAdmin(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets whether the user is a site admin or not
- setSize(Double) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the size of the Release Asset
- setStarredUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Starred URL of the User
- setState(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the state of the Release Asset
- setSubscriptionsUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the Subscriptions URL of the User
- setTagName(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the tag name for the Release
- setTarballUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the Tarball URL for the Release
- setTargetCommitish(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the target commitish for the Release
- setType(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the type of the User
- setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets when the Release Asset was updated
- setUploader(GitHubUser) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the uploader of the Release Asset
- setUploadUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the Upload URL for the Release
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the URL for the Release
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubReleaseAsset
Sets the URL of the Release Asset
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubUser
Sets the URL of the User
- setZipballUrl(String) - Method in class com.github.tadukoo.github.pojo.GitHubRelease
Sets the Zipball URL for the Release
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