Class SQLSelectStatement


public class SQLSelectStatement extends Object
SQL Select Statement is used to build a MySQL select statement
Alpha v.0.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)
  • Field Details

    • distinct

      private final boolean distinct
      Whether to select distinct columns or not
    • returnColumns

      private final List<ColumnRef> returnColumns
      The columns to be selected
    • fromTables

      private final List<TableRef> fromTables
      The tables to grab data from
    • whereStatement

      private final Conditional whereStatement
      The conditional where statement
  • Constructor Details

    • SQLSelectStatement

      private SQLSelectStatement(boolean distinct, List<ColumnRef> returnColumns, List<TableRef> fromTables, Conditional whereStatement)
      Constructs a new SQLSelectStatement using the given parameters.
      distinct - Whether to select distinct columns or not
      returnColumns - The columns to be selected
      fromTables - The tables to grab data from
      whereStatement - The conditional where statement
  • Method Details