Class ColumnDefinition.ColumnDefinitionBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ColumnDefinition.AllowDefaultLength, ColumnDefinition.AllowDefaultLengthLong, ColumnDefinition.AllowDefaultSize, ColumnDefinition.ColumnName, ColumnDefinition.DataType, ColumnDefinition.FractionalSecondsPrecision, ColumnDefinition.Length, ColumnDefinition.Size, ColumnDefinition.SizeAndDigits, ColumnDefinition.Values
Enclosing class:

A builder used to build a ColumnDefinition. It takes the following parameters:
Column Definition Parameters
Parameter Description Required or Default
columnName The name to use for the column Required
dataType The data type of the column Required
size The length of the column or total number of digits Required for some data types - otherwise defaults to -1
values The possible values for the column Required for some data types - otherwise defaults to an empty List
digits The number of digits after the decimal Required for some data types - otherwise defaults to -1
fractionalSecondsPrecision The precision for fractional seconds Required for some data types - otherwise defaults to -1
notNull Whether this column allows null (false) or not (true) Defaults to false (allowing null)
unsigned Whether this column is unsigned (true) or signed (false) Defaults to signed (false)
autoIncrement Whether to auto-increment the column or not Defaults to false
primaryKey Whether this column is the primary key or not Defaults to false
Alpha v.0.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)