Class ColumnDefinition.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ColumnDefinition.Build, ColumnDefinition.NormalEnding
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public static class ColumnDefinition.Builder extends Object implements ColumnDefinition.NormalEnding
A builder class for non-numeric column definitions
Alpha v.0.3
Logan Ferree (Tadukoo)
  • Field Details

    • columnName

      protected final String columnName
      The name to use for the column
    • dataType

      protected final SQLDataType dataType
      The data type of the column
    • size

      protected final Long size
      The length of the column or total number of digits
    • values

      protected final List<String> values
      The possible values for the column
    • digits

      protected final Integer digits
      The number of digits after the decimal
    • fractionalSecondsPrecision

      protected final Integer fractionalSecondsPrecision
      The precision for fractional seconds
    • notNull

      protected boolean notNull
      Whether this column allows null (false) or not (true)
    • unsigned

      protected boolean unsigned
      Whether this column is unsigned (true) or signed (false)
    • autoIncrement

      protected boolean autoIncrement
      Whether to auto-increment the column or not
    • primaryKey

      protected boolean primaryKey
      Whether this column is the primary key or not
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details