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Tadukoo Annotations

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Current Version: Alpha v.0.2.2

Tadukoo Annotations is a collection of annotations and utilities for creating annotations easier.

Table of Contents


Tadukoo Annotation Processor

Tadukoo Annotation Processor makes it easier to create annotation processors.

It contains the @AnnotationProcessor annotation, which should be used in annotation processors so they’re properly added to the META_INF services file. This annotation is handled by AnnotationProcessorProcessor, which just adds the canonical class name to the META_INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor file.

AbstractAnnotationProcessor should be extended by annotation processors you create. It handles the standard methods and provides an instance of AnnotationUtil to make common functionality easier for processing annotations.

For more information on creating annotation processors using Tadukoo Annotation Processor, check out the Tadukoo Annotation Processor Guide

Tadukoo Annotations

Tadukoo Annotations is a collection of annotations.

Current Plans

There are no current plans for Tadukoo Annotations (it may not be worked on until the engine/launcher is completed)


Tadukoo Annotation Processor Guide

How to make Annotation Processors using Tadukoo Annotation Processor