All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract implementation of the Dictionary interface.
Abstract Mapped Pojo is a simple implementation of the MappedPojo interface that uses a HashMap as its backing Map.
Abstract Ordered Mapped Pojo is a simple implementation of OrderedMappedPojo.
Util functions for dealing with AutoCloseables.
Util functions for dealing with Booleans.
Util functions for dealing with bytes.
Util functions for dealing with Characters.
Date Util provides utilities for dealing with Dates.
Dictionary is used to store and retrieve a collection of valid words.
EasyLogger is a wrapper around Logger that provides methods to simplify logging operations
Represents a generic Event that has happened and may need to be handled by various EventHandlers.
An abstract class to handle the creation of Events and send them out to the various EventListeners to handle them appropriately.
A generic interface for listening for an Event to be handled.
Util functions for dealing with Throwables and Exceptions.
Util functions for dealing with Files.
Util functions for dealing with floats.
A ManyToManyMap class that uses HashMultiMap as the backing MultiMap class.
A MultiMap class that uses HashMap as the backing Map class.
Basic Dictionary class that supports the ISO-LATIN-1/ISO_8859_1 Charset.
Util functions for dealing with Lists.
Util functions for dealing with Loggers.
This class relates keys to values, but allows for a many-to-many relationship of keys to values.
Util functions for dealing with ManyToManyMaps.
Represents a Pojo that holds its values in a Map.
Util functions for dealing with Maps.
Month Util provides utilities for dealing with Months.
This class relates keys to values, but allows for one key to reference multiple values.
Util functions for dealing with MultiMaps.
To be used as a Throwable parameter in Throwing Functional Interfaces that are not meant to throw anything.
Ordered Mapped Pojo represents a MappedPojo where the key order matters.
A tuple class for holding 2 items of specified type.
Progress RBC Wrapper Listener is listening for updates to a ProgressReadableByteChannelWrapper in order to keep track of progress updates (e.g.
Progress Readable Byte Channel Wrapper is a wrapper around ReadableByteChannel that will send progress updates to a ProgressRBCWrapperListener, which is keeping track of progress.
Util functions for dealing with Strings, including building and parsing them.
A better version of Java's Consumer interface that allows for the consumers to throw whatever Throwable is specified.
A consumer that takes ten arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A better version of Java's BiConsumer interface that allows for the consumers to throw whatever Throwable is specified.
A consumer that takes three arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A consumer that takes four arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A consumer that takes five arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A consumer that takes six arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A consumer that takes seven arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A consumer that takes eight arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A consumer that takes nine arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A better version of Java's Function interface that allows for the functions to throw whatever Throwable is specified.
A function that takes ten arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A better version of Java's BiFunction interface that allows for the functions to throw whatever Throwable is specified.
A function that takes three arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A function that takes four arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A function that takes five arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A function that takes six arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A function that takes seven arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A function that takes eight arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A function that takes nine arguments, returns a result, and may throw a Throwable.
A better version of Java's Predicate interface that allows for the predicates to throw whatever Throwable is specified.
A predicate that takes ten arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A better version of Java's BiPredicate interface that allows for the predicates to throw whatever Throwable is specified.
A predicate that takes three arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A predicate that takes four arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A predicate that takes five arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A predicate that takes six arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A predicate that takes seven arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A predicate that takes eight arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A predicate that takes nine arguments, returns a boolean, and may throw a Throwable.
A better version of Java's Supplier interface that allows for the suppliers to throw whatever Throwable is specified.
A ManyToManyMap class that uses TreeMultiMap as the backing MultiMap class.
A MultiMap class that uses TreeMap as the backing Map class.
A tuple class for holding 3 items of specified type.
Basic Dictionary class that supports the US_ASCII Charset.
Basic Dictionary class that supports the UTF-16BE Charset.
Basic Dictionary class that supports the UTF-16 Charset.
Basic Dictionary class that supports the UTF-16LE Charset.
Basic Dictionary class that supports the UTF-8 Charset.