Multiple releases happened for Tadukooverse recently.

Tadukoo Maven

Tadukoo Maven Alpha v.0.3 was released on July 5.

Tadukoo Maven is a collection of Maven poms and archetypes for use in Tadukooverse projects. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo Maven, check out its project page.

Tadukoo Maven contains the following modules:

  • TadukooMavenBasePOM - the base pom for all projects
    • TadukooMavenLibraryPOM - a pom for use in Tadukooverse libraries that use Tadukoo Util
    • TadukooMavenParsingPOM - a pom for use in Tadukooverse libraries that use Tadukoo Parsing
    • TadukooMavenWebServicePOM - a pom for use in Tadukooverse libraries that use Tadukoo Web Services
    • TadukooMavenViewPOM - a pom for use in Tadukooverse projects that use Tadukoo View


  • Now includes Tadukoo JUnit dependencies

Tadukoo Util

Tadukoo Util Beta v.0.5 was released on July 5

Tadukoo Util is a collection of useful utilities for any project. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo Util, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo Util, visit this page.

Tadukoo Util contains the following modules:

  • Tadukoo Lang - provides common basic utilities such as StringUtil and Tuples
  • Tadukoo Functions - provides ThrowingFunctions, ThrowingPredicates, etc. for better use than Java’s non-throwing versions
  • Tadukoo Util - provides common utilities that are more advanced, such as MultiMap, ManyToManyMap, and pojo classes


Tadukoo Lang

File Util

New methods:

  • BufferedReader setupFileReader(String filepath)
  • BufferedReader setupFileReader(File file)
  • boolean exists(String filepath)
  • boolean exists(File file)
  • boolean notExists(String filepath)
  • boolean notExists(File file)
  • String readAsString(String filepath)
  • String readAsString(File file)
  • List readLinesAsList(String filepath)
  • List readLinesAsList(File file)
  • List getLinesAsList renamed to readLinesAsList(Reader reader)
  • byte[] readAsBytes(String filepath)
  • byte[] readAsBytes(File file)
Byte Util

Completely new

Tadukoo Util

Added ProgressReadableByteChannel and ProgressRBCWrapper

Used to track progress on a download/file read

Removed Table

It was just a List anyway

Mapped Pojo

New methods:

  • boolean isEmpty()
  • void clear()
  • T getPojoItemNoThrow(String key, Class clazz)
  • T getPojoItemNoThrow(EasyLogger logger, String key, Class clazz)
  • List getListItemNoThrow(String key, Class clazz)
  • List getListItemNoThrow(EasyLogger logger, String key, Class clazz)


  • Now using Tadukoo Maven Library POM as a parent pom - Alpha v.0.3 of it

Tadukoo JUnit

Tadukoo JUnit Alpha v.0.1 was released on July 5

Tadukoo JUnit is a collection of useful utilities for JUnit testing. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo JUnit, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo JUnit, visit this page.

Tadukoo JUnit contains the following modules:

  • Tadukoo JUnit - provides common utilities for JUnit testing

Tadukoo Parsing

Tadukoo Parsing Alpha v.0.3.1 was released today

Tadukoo Parsing is a collection of useful utilities for parsing different formats. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo Parsing, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo Parsing, visit this page.

The following modules are in Tadukoo Parsing:

  • Tadukoo Parsing - basic parsing utilities to be used in the other modules
  • Tadukoo JSON - which has code for parsing JSON
  • Tadukoo File Format - which is unfinished custom file parsing


Tadukoo JSON

  • JSONArray is now a List and has JSONArrayList as a default implementation
  • JSONConverter now includes parseFileFromJSON methods to make it easier to parse files
  • getJSONArrayItem methods in JSONClass, similar to getListItem methods in MappedPojo

Tadukoo Java


  • Tadukoo Util updated to Beta v.0.5
  • Now using Tadukoo Maven (Alpha v.0.3)

Tadukoo Web Services

Tadukoo Web Services Alpha v.0.1.2 was released today

Tadukoo Web Services is a collection of libraries for interacting with web services. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo Web Services, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo Web Services, visit this page.

The following modules are in Tadukoo Web Services:

  • Tadukoo REST - used to interact with REST APIs


Tadukoo Web Services

  • JSONArrayBodyHandler improved based on JSONArray improvements in Tadukoo Parsing


  • Updated to Tadukoo Parsing Alpha v.0.3.1
  • Now using Tadukoo Maven (Alpha v.0.3)

Tadukoo GitHub

Tadukoo GitHub Alpha v.0.1.2 was released today

Tadukoo GitHub is a collection of libraries for interacting with GitHub’s web services. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo GitHub, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo GitHub, visit this page.

The following modules are in Tadukoo GitHub:

  • Tadukoo GitHub - used to interact with GitHub’s REST API


Tadukoo GitHub

  • Updated pojos for minor changes (mainly testing changes due to Tadukoo JUnit)
  • Updated endpoints with changes to JSONArrayBodyHandler (due to improvements from Tadukoo Web Services/Tadukoo Parsing)


  • Updated to Tadukoo Web Services Alpha v.0.1.2
  • Now using Tadukoo Maven (Alpha v.0.3)

Tadukoo Code Parsing

Tadukoo Code Parsing Alpha v.0.3.1 was released today

Tadukoo Code Parsing is a collection of useful utilities for parsing code. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo Code Parsing, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo Code Parsing, visit this page.

The following modules are in Tadukoo Code Parsing:

  • Tadukoo Java - which has code for generating Java code

The main change here is that Tadukoo Java was moved here from Tadukoo Parsing. There have been some changes to it as well for new features.


News, Programming