Tadukoo View Alpha v.0.3.1 was released today.

Tadukoo View is a collection of view utilities. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo View, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo View, visit this page.

Tadukoo View has the following modules:

  • Tadukoo View - A collection of utilities for basic View stuff, and contains code to make it easier to customize fonts, paints, etc.
  • Tadukoo Components - A collection of components that are more customizable than Java’s default versions
  • Tadukoo Form - Makes it easy to setup Forms with various fields
  • Tadukoo Look & Feel - allows you to customize the look & feel of view components more easily than the default Java look & feels allow for


Updated Tadukoo Util Dependency

  • Tadukoo Util updated to Alpha v.0.3.1


  • Cleaned up the poms

News, Programming