Tadukoo View Alpha v.0.3 was released today.

Tadukoo View is a collection of view utilities. It’s released under the MIT license so it’s very free for anyone to use for their projects. For more information about Tadukoo View, check out its project page. For Javadocs for Tadukoo View, visit this page.

Tadukoo View has the following modules:

  • Tadukoo View - A collection of utilities for basic View stuff, and contains code to make it easier to customize fonts, paints, etc.
  • Tadukoo Components - A collection of components that are more customizable than Java’s default versions
  • Tadukoo Form - Makes it easy to setup Forms with various fields
  • Tadukoo Look & Feel - allows you to customize the look & feel of view components more easily than the default Java look & feels allow for


Tadukoo Look & Feel / All Modules

The reason this is “/ All Modules” is because these changes were wide-reaching with how they were implemented.

Button Customizations

On Buttons (via TadukooButton), Button Form Field, and via the Tadukoo Look & Feel, you can now specify the font, shape, border, and the following paints: focus, select, foreground, background, and disabled text.

Label Customizations

On Labels (via TadukooLabel), including the Labels on Form Fields, and via Tadukoo Look & Feel, you can now specify the font, shape, border, and the following paints: background, foreground, and disabled foreground.

Tadukoo View

For the new customizations, new interfaces were added to be used for getters and setters for the customizations. They are:

  • HasSizablePaints - includes getters + setters for background and foreground SizablePaints
  • HasSelectAndFocusPaints - includes getters + setters for focus and select SizablePaints
  • HasDisabledTextPaint - includes getter + setter for disabledText SizablePaint
  • HasDisabledForegroundPaint - includes getter + setter for disabledForeground SizablePaint

Then interfaces were also made for different components, that combine the different customization interfaces

  • TComponent - includes HasSizablePaints and Shaped, and includes methods for getting proper Insets using the Border and ShapeInfo
  • TButton - includes TComponent, HasSelectAndFocusPaints, and HasDisabledTextPaint
  • TLabel - includes TComponent and HasDisabledForegroundPaint

Added ShapeInfo UIResource

This is so that it can be specified in the Look & Feel as a UIResource to distinguish between one set on the component vs. a default one (for the purposes of install/uninstall in the component UI classes).

NoPaint and NoBorder

NoPaint (and NoPaintUIResource) are SizablePaints used for when you must specify a non-null SizablePaint, but do not want to actually have a Paint involved. They return null for their Paints, and were added so we could avoid painting the Label background by default in the Look & Feel.

NoBorder (and NoBorderUIResource) are used for the same purpose, but with Borders. They were also added to avoid having a Border on Labels by default in the Look & Feel.

Tadukoo Form

Custom Form Fields

Added CUSTOM to the Field Type enum to allow for custom form fields that don’t fall under existing Field Types.

Font Resource Loading on Form Fields

You can now specify a Font Resource Loader (or the settings for one) when setting up a Form Field, rather than using the default one, for the purposes of fonts specified in the customizations listed above.

Tadukoo Look & Feel


Created a new interface called TComponentUIUtil that is used by component UI classes for common functionality between them. It includes functions for grabbing the customizations off of the components and installing/uninstalling defaults using the customization interfaces listed previously.


  • Cleaned up some of the code
  • Now using Tadukoo Util Alpha v.0.3
  • Added some missing Javadoc info (e.g. package info for Tadukoo Look & Feel, TadukooButtonUI, etc.)
  • Moved TitlePosition enum to its own file (was previously inside TadukooTheme)
  • More JUnit testing for previously untested code (e.g. TadukooTheme, ColorPaintUIResource, etc.)

News, Programming